Essay On Sustainable Forestry

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• Sustainable forestry the practice of regulating usage of forest resources in such a way that the forest wealth is preserved.

• Indiscriminate tree cutting is replaced by selective logging wherein you remove certain trees but preserve the balance of the woodland. Also young trees are allowed to mature before they are harvested, protected forests are created and trees are planted to expand forestlands.

• A sustainable forest contains trees of all ages and different species.

• In sustainable forestry, the first activity is to survey the land that's part of the sustainable forestry project. The idea is to create an inventory of not just timber, but also of the various wildlife species which exist there and note in case any of them are …show more content…

So schools don’t function in isolation and are integrated with the outwise world. Students are exposed to different people and cultures. Thus they are able to appreciate what the planet offers and at the same time they respect the need to us resources efficiently and responsibly.

vii. Thus Education for Sustainable Development develops life-skills including leadership, communication and management. These skills are very important for personal development.

3. Characteristics of Education for sustainable development:

i. is based on the principles and values that underlie sustainable development;

ii. deals with the well-being of all four dimensions of sustainability – environment, society, culture and economy;

iii. uses a variety of teaching techniques that promote participatory learning and higher-order thinking skills;

iv. promotes lifelong learning;

v. is appropriate culturally and relevant locally ;

vi. is based on local needs, perceptions and conditions, but appreciates that catering to local needs very frequently has international impact and consequences;

vii. involves formal, non-formal and informal education;

viii. accommodates the evolving nature of the concept of sustainability;

ix. addresses content, taking into account context, global issues and local