Sweatshops Equal Working Conditions In The US

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Some consumers care who made their products or where those products were made, but most consumers don’t care. However, the conditions workers go thanks to how sweatshops are run have not gone unnoticed. Sweatshops have violated the human rights that can easily be taken for granted. Therefore, it is an ethical responsibility that consumers should protest to companies that have sweatshops for many reasons. The first reason why it is an ethical responsibility that consumers should protest to companies that have sweatshops is that sweatshops aren’t equal the working conditions in the U.S, they are below the standard working conditions. In the article The Power of Protest: Teens Mobilize Against Sweatshop Abuses, it talks about how some wealthy companies have lengthy periods of work like Disney’s Chinese factory employees who work sixteen hours a day and seven days a …show more content…

In the BBC News video, it showcases Apple’s factory “Pegatron”. It shows undercover footage of the workers having their ID taken, falling asleep during production because of exhaustion, workers have overtime shifts regularly so they usually work for more than sixty hours. These sweatshops violate the right that workdays shouldn’t be too long since everyone has the right to have breaks from their job. The second reason why it is an ethical responsibility that consumers should protest to companies that have sweatshops is that these companies pay the workers way less than they deserve. In the article The Power of Protest: Teens Mobilize Against Sweatshop Abuses, it talks about the salaries that these sweatshop employees earn. Nike’s sweatshop in El Salvador has workers earning twenty cents an hour for a shirt in production that will go on sale for seventy-five dollars. Disney’s Chinese sweatshop has workers earning as low as twelve and a half cents an hour. Both of these