
Sweatshops Research Paper

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There are 168 million children ranging from age 5 to 14 that are forced to work in sweatshops for 14 to 16 hours per day. In China 36% of people are paid $2 and the gap between the rich and the poor are increasing. Sweatshops can negatively affect the society, but it creates many jobs. Through the consumers, producers, and the government's point of views, people can see how sweatshops negatively impact the society.
Consumers view
The consumer's view of sweatshops is very negative. Advertisements also have a big impact on items that are made in sweatshops. People see the ads on tv or in stores and they think that they have to have the item because of how good they make it look. But when they get it, they realize that it is not as good as the …show more content…

As company owners and bosses keep earning more money, workers are becoming poorer and poorer due to how much they get paid, therefore increasing the gap making standards rise. (Sweatshop Garments) The consumers also play a big role in the production of products. The more people buy, the more the workers need to make, or the less people buy, the less the workers need to make. (Consumers Responsible) Even more richer companies treat their workers poorly. This can be seen in places like H&M. Whether the workers are getting paid enough, or not getting enough breaks, they need to realize the way they are being treated and stand up for themselves. (Consumers Responsible) Sweatshops also increase the gap between the richer and the poorer. As company owners and bosses keep earning more money, workers are becoming poorer and poorer due to how much they get paid, therefore increasing the gap making standards rise. (Yesilevsky) Poor working conditions can also be found in other countries. In China, 36% of the population live on $2 or less everyday. In the U.S., most things that are found here will read, "made in China". (Sweatshops in …show more content…

After many people go against these conditions, some places are trying to change, so they do not get sued. (Politically Incorrect) Everyday items people may use are more than likely made in sweatshops, such as clothes. We can see this in United States, in the college of UNC Chapel-Hill. Chapel Hill has signed a deal with nike, so they can become their sponsor and this has caused many problems across the campus. Some of the students have taken action and are demanding for better pay and better working conditions for people that work in Asia for Nike. Students are protesting to help improve health conditions and the surrounding environment, or they would try to take actions against them. (Wolper) Sweatshop usage can also be seen in places people go to shop at every week, like Walmart. Most of the items in walmart are made from sweatshops, and also the workers are being paid the bare minimum. Even though the workers get paid very little, Walmart denies this fact do to the supply chain. (Green American) Sweatshop use can also be seen through products or toys that children might use. What people don't realize is that many people are being killed, just so that they can have enough to try and support their family. In other countries, such as Bangladesh, 1,000's of workers are being killed due to Disney not getting their workers a better working environment. (Walt Disney) People

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