Synthesis Essay On Welfare

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Debates have constantly risen over the past years upon the effectiveness of welfare but one has begun to appear more and more often: does welfare affect the mindset of American people? These both can be considered valid debates offering possible growth in the detrimental life of American poverty. Therefore, upon a thorough analysis of the issue of poverty, it is necessary to dig into the possible stigmas that welfare may lead to economically and socially amidst the minds of the all American people and while searching for ways to possibly alter some aspects of welfare to neutralize any possible negative outcomes. There have been many debates over government intervention on welfare control, regulations, and stipulations. However, Doug Bandow …show more content…

Everybody is trying to find a way to either make poverty more beneficial or work better. Dr. Tiffany Anderson and Ron Haskins both uncover possible solutions to alter welfare in a way to decrease the poverty rate. Dr. Anderson presents a way to better our society through charitable works and programs while still keeping the community accountable. Dr. Anderson takes action as superintendent of the Jennings School District and provides her own forms of non-financial welfare programs to help provide for her community. She has stated that she tends to learn of the problems through the highschool as she is either “always attending a funeral of either a current student or a student’s parent” and many more issues (Ling). She continues to make a tight knit community while instilling one important core value. Dr. Anderson instills work into some of her programs requiring the member in use of the programs to put in community service hours as to participate in their basic needs and receive things like a free laundromat. Dr. Anderson inadvertently shows that these programs can always be designed in different ways to better our society. This strengthens the claim that there are possible ways to possibly better the welfare system of America starting with one person at a …show more content…

Haskins sheds light on a sort of welfare to work programs. Haskins had spent “20-plus years” of his life “visiting welfare offices” when finally he was met with a work program that changed his life. This so-called program is one that encourages employment instead of just giving money based on a person’s situation. This program was one that had time and time again lifted people out of welfare. He provides evidence that while “1,700 “customers” walk into this job center” that only “fewer than 100 (6 percent) will wind up on cash welfare” in just an average month (Haskins). He claimed that “before customers can even ask for cash welfare, they are interviewed by a job counselor” instilling a further belief that they can and will work. Haskins has provided constant evidence that this program has been successful in decreasing the welfare and poverty rate time and time again. This shows how this alternative program has potential in bettering America’s situation with poverty. It is clearly evident that these two minds both agree that a hard working and strong mindset can alter the route of America’s welfare system. Through these two claims, Dr. Anderson and Haskins, there are both relative agreements that the welfare programs can possibly change and for the better as well. They both provide strong evidence and reason in the support of welfare reform