TA 2.3 Essay

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2.4 Issues of concern including, children 's needs, harms, risk and protective factors Issues of concern, children’s needs, harms, risks and protective factors in this case study are illustrated in this section through the use of social work knowledge, theories and values. The children’s needs can be assessed through the use of The Barker and Hodes Common Assessment Framework (CAF). This tool provides a nationally standardised approach to assessing children and young person’s in need and deciding how the needs should be met. The CAF focuses on three areas including developmental needs, parenting capacity and family and environmental factors (Barker & Hodes, 2007). It also takes into account the parent’s ability and willingness to take responsibility and work with professionals to achieve change. The Turnell and Edwards Signs of Safety which is a strengths based, safety oriented approach can also be utilised alongside the CAF. This strategy aims to work with all individuals involved in the case to assess and plan safety and reduce risk and danger through focusing on the resources and networks that the family has (Signs of Safety, 2015). This approach involves the issues of concern, strengths already …show more content…

The parents also tested positive to illicit substance use. Both Lindy and Ben clearly abused their daughters by ignoring their needs, putting them in an unsupervised and dangerous situation. This questions their parenting capacity. According to Bromfield, Lamont, Parker and Horsfall (2010), child abuse and neglect are most likely to arise from the interaction of risk factors including alcohol and illicit substance abuse. It is also evident that the cumulative effects of exposure to risks results in negative child outcomes and maltreatment (Begle Dumas & Hansom, 2010; Mackenzie, Kotch & Lee,