TC-16-001 Training Report

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Task Organization: TC-16-001 1. SITUATION: A. Enemy Forces: N/A (1) Terrain: Petersburg National Battlefield-City Point is an urban environment with wood, brick and steel structures, interlaced with several improved and unimproved roads B. Friendly Forces: N/A (1) Higher Mission: ALU is the Army's premier learning institution, delivering game-changing sustainment professionals to support unified land operations and generating force capability. (2) Higher CDR Intent: Training future leaders of the US Army, to Army standards, by develop leadership, and evaluate officer potential. (3) Attachments and Detachments. None 2. MISSION: 290800OCT15 Class TC-16-001 will travel to Petersburg National Battlefield-City Point to conduct a staff ride …show more content…

a. Concept of the Operation: This operation consists of four phases. Phase I: Accountability Phase II: Transport to City Point. Phase III: Conduct Staff Ride. Phase IV: Complete of Training and AAR b. Scheme of Maneuver: Phase I: 290750OCT15 in the classroom of ALU, SL will conduct accountability. 2LT Moultrie will give, risk assessment, and OPRD. Phase II: 290800OCT15. Officers will load the bus to be transported to Petersburg National Battle Field. Phase III: 290900OCT15 The Staff Ride will be conducted focusing on Team 1 Medical, Team 2 Miscellaneous Briefings: Plantation house, Kitchen and laundry house, Dairy house and Smoke house, Epps family conclusion, Team 3 Communication, Team 4 Quartermaster Supply and Transportation, Team 5 Security and Intelligence, Ordnance Wharf Explosion and Military Railroad. Phase IV: NLT 291430OCT15 2LT Garcia will conduct an AAR to identify sustainment and improvements. c. Task to Subordinate Units: PL will maintain accountability, identify water point. SL will ensure Officers are signaling with right hand for all uneven