TOMS Shoes Objectives And Vision

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What is (are) TOMS Shoes objective(s) and vision? As I read the story of this seemly great organization the objectives in short seem to be directed to helping less fortunate children. Their vision on how to do this was to sell a pair of shoes and then donate a pair. They added a new mission later in the organization due to their success which was developing special eyewear for those that had curable eye problems. The organization is committed to helping. The selling of shoes is consistent with their objective and vision because they are giving a pair away for each sale. The organization has to make a profit somehow to be able to donate as many shoes as they do. They have stores in different locations and I wish I knew about this store and what it stands for because I would by a pair of shoes and try them out. The organization did start of as two separate types of store one for sale and one for donation but the merge allowed the organization to flourish. Their website is very informative and thanks the customers for assisting in the donation. …show more content…

If it were not for the loyal customers of TOMS the organization may not be as successful. There will always be poverty and if a business can produce as much aide to the unfortunate and ill like TOMS does it would cut a little deeper into the amount that one organization puts toward it because the amount of aid is shared. I looked at the NIKE webpage and I could not find anything about donation accept how to request them. There may be something but I could not find