TS Contributions To Florida Polytechnic's Success

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12 - Summary of Technology Services Strategy

TS contributes to Florida Polytechnic’s success by providing exemplary services that promote student success, quality instruction, effective employees, and a thriving community. It starts with guiding principles that inform decision-making, includes policies, procedures, and metrics to standardize operations and measure performance, and aligns spending and services with institutional needs. TS strategy to facilitate the University’s success is to:

· Provide and sustain a current infrastructure that promotes growth and innovation
· Provide services that mirror institution priorities
· Manage finances and resources well and fund TS strategically
· Improve information security, policy, and business …show more content…

Goal 1: Technology services maintains an up-to-date Information Technology Infrastructure

Objective 1: Address the current usage of services, forecast trends and future capacity, become a thought leader in emerging technologies within the University

Category: Business Continuity Operations

Action Plan:
· Develop processes and tools to understand the University’s requirements for services and support
· Ensure broad collaboration with stakeholders to gather and report on usage, trends and metrics validate their current and future needs
· Document results and recommendations and distribute to all stakeholders
· Develop and manage plans for university-approved initiatives and a governance process will be designed to manage resources and priorities strategically (KPI)
· Develop and provide relevant performance and usage metrics, forecasts and trending information to University (KPI)
· Data collection: usage metrics, forecasts and trending information
· Timeline: ongoing, updated annually
· Responsibility: Technology Services (lead), staff and faculty collaboration
· Resources Estimates: none

Objective 2: Improve communication with other departments and understand campus needs

Category: Business Continuity …show more content…

· Develop a review process to verify SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS offerings before service procurement, facilitating proactive prevention of service and/or data security, and data loss prevention issues for the University.
· Collaborate with other departments and campus community in order to develop cloud computing policy and procedures to eliminate the duplication of systems and integrate TS into the process. (KPI)
· Align applications and computing services with the appropriate platform, regardless of the physical location of the server, to efficiently meet the needs of the University.
· Offer methods of computing, storage, and networking that extend services without restrictions on location for high scalability and reliability.
· Data collection: current setup usage, trend and need