Taking A Look At Popular Diet Myths

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Weight loss is a very controversial topic. There are so many diet myths circling around that sometimes it gets difficult to separate the fact from the fiction. Today I want to bust some of these popular diet myths which are considered as the Holy Grail in weight loss and reveal what really works. I have personally tried and tested these diet myths on myself. Thus I can vouch from my own experience that they are just myths and should not be believed blindly. DIET MYTH 1: Don’t skip breakfast if you want to lose weight It is believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you MUST eat it if you want to lose weight. But this is just a diet myth and nothing else. The real truth The most important thing while losing weight is …show more content…

Related research A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when people are trying to lose weight, it doesn't matter if they devour a dish first thing after waking up or if they skip it altogether [1] The researchers assigned more than 300 overweight and obese (but otherwise healthy) individuals, ages 20 to 65, to either the control group (that continued with eating habits per usual), a group that was told to eat breakfast or a group that was instructed to miss the meal. After tracking their weight for 16 weeks, the scientists found that those who grabbed a bite in the morning didn't lose any more weight than those who omitted it. My experience I have believed in this diet myth and tried it religiously with no positive effects but only an increased caloric intake. Therefore listen to your body and do as it asks you to, not some random person next door. My tip Thus don’t force yourself to eat breakfast if you are not hungry in the morning. And if you are and enjoy breakfast, go ahead and eat …show more content…

When you're constantly eating, you're consistently releasing insulin, which puts your body into its "absorptive phase." Basically what this means is that the insulin in your body is storing sugar — and not letting other enzymes in your body release sugar to break down fat. The goal is for your body to be in "postabsorptive phase," where it uses your energy stores for sustenance, and burns more fat. Related research 2 A study from the University of Ottawa found that on a low-calorie diet, there was no weight loss advantage to splitting calories among six meals rather than three. A second study found that switching from three daily meals to six did not boost calorie-burning or fat loss. In fact, the researchers concluded, eating six meals a day actually made people want to eat more. My experience In fact, I myself got misled to believe this diet myth a few years back and religiously followed it carrying with me multiple boxes of food to work, being obsessed with meal times, small meals and eating every two to three hours. And the only thing it brought down was my productivity, having no effect on my weight and just coming in the way of everything, psyching me out and making me obsessive about meal