Taoism Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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Of the religions we have studied Taoism and Buddhism share the most connected history. Both religions have a great deal influence over many eastern countries, especially China. They both express a need and pursuit of virtue, wisdom, and a correct way to live life. They share the use of temples and shrines for worship and have many monasteries all over the world. Neither religion focuses on belief and worship of an all knowing presence in favor of a pursuit of greater self while acknowledging that the Gods are just higher life forms and not exactly deities. Neither stress equality among men and women worshippers, which I wish was more common with all religions, along with the understanding that homosexuality is a natural occurring phenomena. …show more content…

In that way both religions seek attainment of a greater form beyond the material. To be free from the cycle or to be one with the Tao are both attainable through meditation and dedication to either The Way or the pursuit of Nirvana. The common history common be seen in their many shared and borrowed philosophies. While Buddhists seek escape from suffering as the Buddha did, Taoism teaches that being one with Tao allows escaping from suffering. Both religions are passed down from teacher to student while an extended linage. Following each path results in the set goal, but that could be said many faiths.
The overlap in doctrines and shared area are quite significant. Both religions shared the same period of time for their creation around 500-550BCE. All of these commonalities make these two religions the most alike of all the religions we have studied thus far.
African and Afro Caribbean religions feature many gods, spirits, and saints that all need to be worshipped and pacified for peaceful life making it unalike to Buddhism and Daoism. Similarly, Native American religions also have a set of beliefs and rituals need to please to gods and natural forces that control their world. Both Native American and African origin religions have a tribal ancestry and for much of history were considered