Target Elements Of Change Paper

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“Target element of change are the components of an organization that may be changed. They essentially represent change levers that managers can push and pull to influence various aspects of an organization” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p. 540). The four components of target element change: “organizational arrangements, social factors, methods, and people. Each target element of change contains a subset of more detailed organizational features” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p.540).
Nayer took the initiates steps to implement change by following the change models by Lewin and Kotter. Furthermore, the eight steps for leading organizational change was the start of the target elements of change that affected the changes of HCL. Some of the changes that took place was …show more content…

Another modification was the online system which is a social factor this system allowed employees to give feedback also gave them the opportunity to lodge complaints. “Not only does the system resolve issues, but it effectively puts managers in the service of frontline employees” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p. 563). “Good managers who create a healthy, caring and supportive work environment will help cultivate the business’ future leaders who in turn will manage the overall customer experience” (Hyken, 2017). The most important target element of change was the people. Every decision that was made Nayer utilized his managers and employees in some way. Once Nayer learned that HCL customers focus was on his employees and not products it gave him a sense of direction. Every change an organization make affects the employees. It’s been said and proven that happy employees make happy customer which will be good for business. “Interaction between leadership and employees is key to building upon the lessons learned in training and coaching sessions. Feedback and praise are critical to employees feeling they are making a difference” (Hyken,