Teaching Philosophy Statement

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I believe that every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world we live in. As a future high school teacher, I will make it my goal to help students develop their potentials by believing in them as capable individuals; but more importantly, it will be key in getting the students to believe in themselves, in that they can succeed in any task they come across by working hard and putting effort into those tasks. Some students may not have a strong support system at home and they will probably need more support from the teachers in their classrooms in order for them to see the full potential they are capable of possessing. I will assist my students in discovering who they are, so they can express their own opinions and nurture their own ideas. It will be my job as a teacher to make my students feel empowered, to where they can feel that they have the opportunity to do well in school, and life overall. In order for students to feel powerful, they need to have some type of motivation from their teachers. I believe that motivation is a key component in learning. Not only is it the case that motivation helps learning; it is essential for learning. A powerful motivator that I have seen work with students is when they are given the option to …show more content…

Metacognition allows us to understand, control, change and use our thought processes that are most helpful to us. I feel that students’ should learn about their own, unique metacognition so they can become aware of which ways or methods work best for them to remember important information, such as dates or facts for an exam, or to reflect on how a particular task or assignment turned out for them. According to Linda Darling-Hammond, “metacognition is essential to becoming expert processors and problem-solvers; cultural differences affect the knowledge we transfer into a task,” (The Learning Classroom, Session