Technology Should Not Be Used In Schools Essay

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A superintendent of a school district in Iowa, reported to The Daily Iowan that, “The most important thing that schools can do is not to use technology more in the curriculum, but to use it more effectively.” There are many pro’s to using technology in schools such as students being able to learn in more diverse ways and students being able to access more information.

Technology should not be used in schools because of how much it costs. Julie Huffler, a newly retired researcher, reported to School Improvements that, “Technology is everywhere in education: Public schools in the United States now provide at least one computer for every five students. They spend more than $3 billion per year on digital content. The money to provide this technology it put onto …show more content…

Also, it shows that they were happier while using the computers to access the information at the speed they had. Michelle Schmit, a former teacher, reported to Education Weekly that, “My students have been doing amazingly well on their papers since we got up to date technology. All of my students have had their essay skills improve when technology was given to the students. They can still use books to find information, although if that’s not enough, they can use many different resources online to further their findings.” This evidence supports my claim because it shows that students can find more information on the computer, than they had in the books. It also shows that students have done better since the technology was provided to them. There are many pro’s such as these, that show the many pro’s of technology being used in schools.

In conclusion, there are many pro’s to technology being used in schools such as students being able to learn in more diverse ways and students being able to access more information. Should your school use