
Teenagers Affected By Social Media

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Every teen has come in contact with some type of media in their life. They may have misused it once or twice. With media teens don’t understand that media can take a toll on them, and they won’t realize it. A teenager might come in contact with some type of media everyday in their life's. Teenagers don’t know that they are being effected everyday if it’s in a good or bad way. We are going to take a look at what ways can movies, music, and social media have on a teenager. When you give your teenager a smart phone, you would mostly find them on facebook, snapchat, or twitter. They would also listen to music, or watching a movie on netflex. When you see your teenager listen to music you may ignore it, or just don’t mind. Every teenager has a …show more content…

Social media my be the next important media that teens use. As we know there are all kinds of social media out there. You have twitter, facebook, instagram etc. When a teenager first get one of these they start out ok, and responsible. As time goes by they progress into not using the social media as a positive thing anymore. Teens use social media to cyberbully. Teens use fake profiles, and they can become cyberbullies really easy that way. When teens cyberbully they don’t understand that when they talk trash about each other they are hurting themselves , and others. When I was a teenager I was cyberbullied by a girl from my school. She said all different kind of mean things about me. If I wasn’t in my right mind I would have committed suicide. When anyone cyberbully someone, they don’t know what’s going on in that other person life. Another bad effect social media has on teens is that they like to post inappropriate pictures of themselves. They do it just to get attention of someone. Not only that , but you can be affected mentally, and physically. When teens are on social media all the time they can forget about things like responsibilities, and weight management. They are on social media that they don’t realize that they need the exercise, and with their responsibilities, they don’t keep up with them let alone do them. ( Bilal Ahmad,

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