Telepsychiatry Case Study Essay

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The results of the study demonstrated that the average length of time that it took for a mental health patient to be evaluated and treated was significantly less. The mean length of stay without a telemental health program was 31.7 hours, compared to 17.0 hours with a telemental health program implemented, reducing the length of stay of 14.7 hours. Making telemental health available around the clock, suggests that mental health evaluations that are available 24/7 may be viewed as best practice. In this study, I liked that the researchers took the time to gather data seven months prior to starting the study. The data collected was from clinical charts and electronic records, which helps reduce bias. The size of the subject group was sixty-seven participants, …show more content…

The hypothesis was “a state-wide ED based telepsychiatry program would result in better rates of outpatient follow-up and reduced inpatient service use and cost” (Narasimhan, M., Druss, B. G., Hockenberry, J. M., Royer, J., Weiss, P., Glick, G., Magill, J. 2015). The study addresses the problems the Emergency Department faces with patients seeking mental health services.
Eighteen hospitals participated in the study. The study provided 24/7 coverage with full time and part time telepsychiatrists. All telepsychiatrists participated in a training program that familiarized them with telepsychiatry intervention. The telepsychiatrist reviewed the mental health patient’s intake information and medical health record. Following the assessment, the telepsychiatrist would give his recommendation to the Emergency Department, and depending on the assessment, the patient would either be discharged home, scheduled for an appointment at a local mental health facility, or