Terry Nichols Death Essay

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April 19, 1995 proved to be one of the most horrific days in United States history. At approximately 9:00 am, a Ryder rental van parked in front of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building. Inside the truck, was a bomb with a deadly concoction of agricultural fertilizer, diesel fuel, and mixed with various other chemicals. Terry Nichols, one of the bombers, parked the van and left it with a timer set to explode inside. The bomb had more than 5000 pounds of explosive grade ammonium nitrate. Upon detonation the bomb tore all the north side of the federal building. This act of terrorism began an era in United States history that would have a toll for years to follow. (1) In the days, weeks and months following this terrible act, many public agencies, …show more content…

He joined the Army in 1988, where he met Timothy McVeigh. They both had strong hatred for the country after being discharged from the Army. The two vented their anger against the country by creating this tragedy. Terry Nichols went on trial in Denver, Colorado. However, he was charged with eight counts of involuntary manslaughter, and also received life sentence. Therefore, Terry Nichols escaped the death penalty, and only received life in prison. Nichols did not create the act alone. He formed a violent alliance with Timothy McVeigh which would lead to a mark forever made in history. (3) Timothy McVeigh was born in Lockport, New York. McVeigh said he was bullied in his high school days. After graduating high school, he began hacking into government computers. He was 20 years old when he enlisted into the Army. McVeigh left the Army after being discharged in 1991. Nichols taught McVeigh how to make explosive devices. McVeigh and Nichols came up with the plan to bomb Oklahoma city. Nichols wife, Lori, was part of their plan also. Nichols made McVeigh a fake driver’s license. McVeigh was a part of several bank robberies in order to fund the bombing.

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