
Textual Analysis Of Milk Advertisements

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Drink Up or Stay Short Milk is one of the best sources of calcium if not “the” best source for calcium. That might not be the case for everyone but, for the most part everyone knows that milk is good for you and will help make your bones stronger. This ad is for milk, obviously. Everyone has seen at least one or more of the “got milk?” commercials and all of the ads/commercials portray the same idea. In this ad we have Chris Bosh (Professional NBA player for the Miami Heat) who is standing side by side with a giraffe. This ad is clearly stating that if you drink milk you can become as tall as a giraffe. This ad can be seen in hundreds of different ways. This ad makes it seem that if you drink milk you can become as tall as a giraffe. Also, if you drink milk you could become a professional basketball player. Another piece of this ad that may not be as noticeable to some, is that Chris Bosh is wearing an entire outfit including his shoes that consist of all Nike apparel which may be being used to gain a different audience. …show more content…

Make people think that if they drink milk they could be as tall as the world tallest mammal. “Giraffes are a rare species of large, long-legged, long-necked ungulates in the family Giraffidae, order Artiodactyla” (Freedman, 2014, p. 112). Giraffe at an adult age can be up to 20 feet tall. 20 feet tall is pretty tall. 20 feet is extremely tall. No human could even imagine being that tall. Especially because the tallest man to ever live was not even 9 foot tall. Sorry to say but, milk isn’t going to help you grow an additional 11 feet (132in). To use a giraffe in a milk ad seems to be a sure way of getting the younger generations interested/into drinking milk. Well, maybe not the giraffe but more Chris Bosh. The giraffe is still very effective because of how exotic people view them

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