Essay On 9/11 Conspiracy

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History of the Debate After what happened on September 11 in 2001, conspiracists started to spread the word about what is seen today as the mythology of the 9/11 conspiracy. 2,977 innocent people were killed in an elaborate plot by the CIA and FBI in order to suppress civil liberties and benefit their allies in the oil and gas industry. The scheme by the Bush administration was successful in gaining the popular agreement of the American people to be in accordance with the otherwise unsupportable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is no exact or perfect timeline about the progression of belief in the theory of a planned event. But in the early years of the decade, at least, it was relegated to the far reaches of the American political spectrum, …show more content…

At home, such talk remained on the fringes of political life even as the war got under way. But fueled in part by anger over the deceptions of the war, the lack of accountability or disclosure on the part of the Bush administration with respect to the 9/11 Commission, and civil liberties abuses in the aftermath of the attacks, the popularity of conspiracy theories was steadily growing in 2003 and 2004.Then, in the summer of 2004, Michael Moore 's Fahrenheit 9/11 was released, earning more than $100 million to become the top-grossing documentary of all time. While Fahrenheit 9/11 does not allege any sort of Bush-led conspiracy concerning 9/11, the film does depict a government hell-bent on covering up how much it knew prior to 9/11 and using the attacks as a false pretext for a war with Iraq. In 2004, more and more Americans were willing to raise these kinds of questions. Bush derangement syndrome , as Charles Krauthammer would famously call the emerging trend of Bush hatred, had not yet reached a boiling point. But it would. Within three years of his film 's release, Moore himself would start giving acceptance to some of the …show more content…

Though he had his doubts about the mainstream account, Barrett had dismissed 9/11 conspiracy theories as ridiculous speculations prior to 2003. But after hearing that Griffin was "marshalling the evidence" for the case that the Word Trade Center had been brought down by a controlled demolition and the Pentagon had been attacked by a military aircraft, Barrett decided to do more research. After two weeks of reading the work of Ruppert, Meyssan, and others, he was convinced. Over the next several months he held teach-ins on the Madison campus. But he never took his activism beyond that until just days after President Bush 's re-election. It was the second battle of Fallujah, which took place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which caused Barrett, who had converted to Islam years before, to become a full-time activist. "The images and the stories coming out of Fallujah were so atrocious," he said. "That actually was the moment when I said, 'Well, I need to take this to the next level. What can be done to stop this growing war? ' "(Fallujah) After Fallujah, Barrett decided to start a group called the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth. In mid-2002, an 18-year-old from upstate New York named Dylan Avery discovered Paul Thompson 's timeline of terror. Like David Ray Griffin, Avery was impressed, and he soon became convinced that the government was not revealing the whole story of 9/11. Avery started working on the screenplay for a feature film about