9/11 Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Rhetorical Analysis The fear that was created from 9/11 was no doubt over whelming. Charles Krauthammer argues in this article that we as Americans created this fear ourselves. He goes onto add in this article that was published in the Washington Post on September 8, 2011 that we as Americans overreacted to 9/11. Throughout his article he presents a lot of research and then analyses what he finds. In the article Krauthammer is trying to convince Americans, the reader that we freaked out to 9/11. He uses this whole article to show that we “overreacted”. He stated that this overreaction came from our fear which was understandable but not necessary. Krauthammer thinks that we Americans dramatized or exaggerated what …show more content…

However, we did not know that at the time. Everyone’s emotions were high and worried about loved ones. It’s hard to say Americas “overreacted” to the situation when our world was changed in the matter of only a few precious minutes. Throughout this article Krauthammer is trying to connect with fellow Americans. Nevertheless, there are most likely very few Individuals who agree with his stance on the argument. He tries to relate by saying things such as, “9/11 was our Pearl Harbor.” This tactic may work for some, but perhaps not a majority. The article does not follow a straight forward pattern. He starts off his argument by saying what the United States did wrong and then follows by bashing al-Qaeda. By criticizing a group that most people dislike it gets reader to agree with him. Consequently, anyone who is a “fan” of al-Qaeda may be very offended by Krauthammer’s argument and disagree quite immediately. He then continues his article by proving his point with facts about the ten years that followed the 9/11 attack. This gives him some factual credibility and believability. He then pretty much concludes his argument by comparing this attack to the attack on Pearl Harbor. This then gives something that Americans to relate to. This is Krauthammer concluding remarks and then he makes a final