
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian By Sherman Alexie

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Thud! I am a tad bit fad! The book hit the wall. In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman, Alexie Junior saw his mother’s name in his math book, and that was the last straw. Junior decided to start going to school in Reardan, an all-white school, which is off of his reservation. Junior faces the harsh realities of bullying on and off the reservation, but with new-found confidence, he perseveres when faced with racial comments, physical violence, and other forms of verbal abuse. Junior moved to Reardan High School part way through the beginning of the year. When he first went to that school right before starting, Junior wanted to tell his best friend, Rowdy. Rowdy was extremely upset because he felt like his only …show more content…

At the beginning of Sherman Alexie’s novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian he states “I was born with water on the brain” (Alexie 1). Later on in life, Junior is bullied for having a head that is too big and other features that are deemed as bad that are caused by his hydrocephalus. After telling Rowdy he was going to Reardan, he went home and then went to his new school the next day. At Reardan, Junior wasn't exactly bullied for his hydrocephalus but for his skin. People would also often disregard what he had to say in the classroom and ignore him. On page 67 of the book written by Sherman Alexie, it states that Junior had answered a question and the teacher didn't believe him until one of his fellow classmates gave the exact same answer and was correct. This wasn't the only time teachers hurt Junior. On page 138 it says “Oh, class, she said. We have a special guest today! It's the Arnold …show more content…

Gordy ended up standing up for Junior when the teacher refused to acknowledge that Junior had given a correct answer to a question that he had asked. After a while, they became friends too, and Gordy taught him the rules of reading. One time after a basketball game that he had won, he went with Penelope and a few others to go get some food. One of the people they went with was named Roger and was also on the basketball team. Junior had pretended to have money and a way home even though he had neither and when they found out Roger paid for him and gave him a ride home and was genuinely kind to Junior. Junior even sorted out his problems with Rowdy by the end of the book and they were ok again. These are some of the people that Junior became friends with and stopped being bullied by. Junior gained confidence after being abused in many ways and gained new friends at his new school. Being made fun of for his hydrocephalus and his looks to being ridiculed for having different skin in a new school by his teachers and classmates might not have been fun, but Junior became stronger. He gained new friends who helped along the way with being bullied by standing up for

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