The American Revolution: The Tea Act Of 1773

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Prior to the american revolution the british are heavily taxing colonists to pay for the french and indian war, the french and indian war happened in 1755 and lasted until 1763. The french and indian war or the 7 years war was between britain and france the conflict was between the land in the US, the british ended up driving out the france and reclaiming the land. This made trade extremely hard for native americans because the french were nicer to the natives than the british. In 1763 the proclamation was passed to to prevent land claims west of the appalachian mountains. After the war the british needed to make the money back that was spent on the war as they were in severe debt because of the war. The american revolution was caused by three …show more content…

The british government granted the east india tea company the exclusive possession on the importation and sale of tea in the colonies. Colonists never accepted the constitutionality of the duty on tea, and the tea act brought up why they opposed it in the first place. The colonists resistance was shown in the boston tea party, which took place on december 16th 1773.Colonists boarded east india company ships and threw their tea over board, parliament was not happy by this act of rebellion by the colonists and punished colonists by introducing a series of harsh acts called the coercive acts to punish colonial resistance. In the writings of Robert brown “a democratic movement” he says “after the tea act and the coercive acts, there was no doubt whatever that the british intended to curtail colonial democracy as a necessary step toward british recovery of authority and the prevention of colonial independence. The result was the very thing British tried to prevent, american independance.” This states that even though British tried to contain democracy and colonial independence they failed in the end and the acts hurt them in the end as it caused more rebellion from the colonies, After the coercive acts two years later the war