Technology Is The Driving Force Of The Antichrist antichrist-technology Dan 2:41-43 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but THEY shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Most interpretations of the ten toes mixed with iron and clay claim that the iron is the revived roman empire, and the clay is …show more content…
But the truth is this is only partially true in suggesting that the roman empire will be revived. This prophecy is actually a three part prophecy! So, what if it also means something more diabolical? The question is who are they? Who are the ones implied as not man and mingling with the seed of men? Iron = they - The individuals who are not man Potters Clay = man Isaiah 64:8 Therefore, iron is not man, since clay is identified as man, and iron was commonly used to make machines of war like the chariot and weapons like the sword. The iron is not compatible physically with clay, yet there is an action to mingle with the seed of man. But why is iron which is normally recognized as a inanimate object being refered to as they? If iron (machines) which is not compatible with man (clay), is mingling, then what is the result? A revolution of people getting technology based implants, chips and augments in place of tattoes perhaps? And the creation of a spiritless and souless antichrist as part man and part machine perhaps? Here 's where it lines up with revalation thirteen. Revlation thirteen calls the antichrist the beast …show more content…
Some interpretations say this also means the revived roman empire, but that doesn 't fit becasue the roman empire was in power at the time John had his vision. So the beast that was, doesn 't fit the original roman empire from John 's perspective, it only fits from a future perspective. Another belief is, the clay is a religious system and the iron is the political system and that 's why it doesn 't mingle. And this is partially true too because the roman empire is already revived today through the catholic church. But why hasn 't the antichrist shown up yet? Now, I 'll tell you what fits the most and makes the most sense. A future man that dies, and is resurected with technology, without a spirit or soul, but only memories from the brain. Let 's not forget that revelation thirteen also says that the beast that was, yet is not, yet is, is also the name and number of a man or the six, six, six. Now let 's try this, the beast that was alive, yet is not alive, yet is alive. This makes the most sense because it also allows the devil to make a couterfeit resurection for the whole world to see, just like Jesus was resurected from the dead after