
The Barn: A Short Story

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Logan Cooper Mrs. Manst Freshman Literature 26 October 2015 The Barn It was raining. They were just small droplets of water, but they were as cold as a Siberian night. My car had just broken down in the middle of nowhere, effectively stranding me. Not quite the middle of nowhere, but pretty close to there. I was on a back road up a mountain I wanted to climb, but it started raining. So I decided to turn around and my car broke down. The front right wheel went into a hole, and the axle snapped. And to add to the insult of a broken axle, a tree branch went straight through my windshield. So I'm stuck up here. Cold. Wet. Alone. It wasn't the best planned trip. In hindsight, I should have told someone I was coming up here, but I was planning to surprise them with a call from the summit. Bad idea, because nobody knows that I am up here, thirty miles from anything. Except for a …show more content…

It's saying the same thing over and over again, "crushing bone, mashing lip. Eating ear and burning eye. Smashing nose and ripping flesh." Pretty unnerving to be chased by a zombie chanting about eating you, in the pitch black darkness of night. Fumbling around, I manage to pull out my phone and get it's flashlight turned on. I shine the beam in front of my face and there, not more than an inch in front of me, is the zombie's mouth. It's fang are dripping blood, and it's face has rotted away in some places, showing it's muscle, blackened by the lack of blood, dripping a goopy pus all over my shirt. Panicking, I snap around and begin running away, but now the zombie chases me at a sprint, instead of a slow shambling limp like before. Not thinking, I dive behind a bale of hay, hoping I can avoid the creature. I forgot that it most likely wasn't relying on it's rotted and half-pulverised eyeballs to find me, if it has them still, but rather it's ears and nose. I stand up to run out of my hiding place, only to find the zombie blocking my

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