
The Beckett Corporation Biblical Values Paper

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Biblical Values Displayed The Beckett Corporation demonstrates integrity, excellence, and a profound respect for the individual in numerous ways. Their programs go beyond legal requirements, and more impressive is the fact that the company has continuously found innovative ways to demonstrate these values for over 75 years. Undoubtedly, the longevity of consistent Christian values is due to the transition of leadership remaining within the Beckett family and the fact that each has had an individual, intimate relationship with Jesus. Therefore, while the external environment of business and laws change, and the programs that have been developed by each leader have been innovative, the unchanging Spirit of God is the force behind the displayed …show more content…

Now, Japan is considered one of the least likely countries where businessmen encounter bribery; however, the country was well-known for bribery in the 60s and 70s (Lukito, 2016). When the agent asked Beckett to pay a commission, at the risk of a potentially devastating financial loss, Beckett declined to pay the commission. He considered it more important to maintain his biblical ethical standards, and God honored his decision. The Japanese agent chose to honor the deal without the commission (Beckett, 2006). Kevin, the third Beckett CEO, was challenged during a difficult time in 2007, when it became necessary to layoff many hourly employees. He chose to work directly with these employees by helping them find new jobs that complemented their skills, providing additional training and letters of recommendation, and publically communicating his personal responsibility to each person individually. This resulted in bitter-sweet departures that ended with hugs and commitments to maintain relationships (R.W. Beckett Corporation, 2012). …show more content…

Beckett’s demonstration of respect for his employees was during the Great Depression and World War II years. As the economy suffered and industry began to shift toward only those products needed for the war, oil burners were in slim demand, but he was determined to keep his crew employed. He creatively shifted from oil burner production to home insulation production and installation, and he did not need to terminate any employees during this difficult time. While the economy was poor, he was able to market home insulation due to the cost savings that it created for residential home heating and cooling. This change in production and installation resulted in an expanded client base after the war, when the economy began to heal (R. W. Beckett Corporation,

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