The Best Video Games Research Paper

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The Best Videogame of All time well there's a lot of those. But which game would be so faithful and true to the fans that it might just be the most simple and awesome game anyone has ever played. I mean this game must be so glorious that if anyone plays it will take over their lives.I mean video games are fun but video games with morals are way more fun, to be honest. (It's Dangerous To Go Alone Take This) 1986 "Legends of Zelda" that's the name of the game Or (Squirtle use water gun) 1996 "Pokemon" is the name of that.Have you ever played games so much that every time you play the game you start reciting the phrase? (Here we go) 1983 "Super Mario" for example. (Get over here) 1992 Mortal Kombat" another example. My three topic sentences will be on Super Mario Bros., Pac-Man, and Mortal kombat. …show more content…

Mario was created in the eighties graphics were very low due to the low pixels.Super Mario Bros was a hit with a big franchise but it was made by Nintendo. Super Mario is proclaimed to be the best game out in history but if we really look at it why it is the best game we would see. I Myself would consider Super Mario one of the best video games of the nineteenth. Super Mario Bros was a great adventure game it had a lot of story to it I mean who wouldn't want to face bowser and save Princess Peach. The bosses in Super Mario are very fun but are very hard because they are moving when they are trying to defeat you. The object of sand Mario are very simple you're supposed to make it through a variety of levels there are such as swamps, mountains, cloud villages. From my research, I have learned that other people will rate this game number one retro game. So for Super Mario, I am giving it four Super