The Bride: Abdulaziz University Acceptance Test

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The Bride One year ago, when I was in the high school, I used to have a lot of friends. Raneem, one of my friends, she was energetic, kind and helpful. She invited us to her sister’s wedding. The wedding day was a cheerful day. We were delighted for Raneem’s big sister, Afnan. Afnan during her wedding looked gorgeous, resplendent, and bright. Her wedding dress was beautiful and snow-white. It has a shiny stone spread all over the dress. She looked bright like the moon in the sky. Regrettably, Raneem’s sister moved to Abha shortly after the wedding with her husband. One month after the wedding, we took a university acceptance test. The test was held at King Abdulaziz University. Minutes before the test began; I checked my phone, and I noticed something interjections in my friend’s chat. They were talking about a car accident. However, Raneem denied the car accident, and she told us that nothing wrong happened. She encouraged us to focus on the test. During that time; the test began, and I did not perceive what happened. The paper distributes and I had to close the phone. I was so muddled and confused. I did not know how to solve the test. I just wanted to finish to know about the car accident. …show more content…

I felt the test continued forever. It seemed like it will never end. Fortunately, the test ended, and I checked my phone immediately. When I opened my phone, I shocked to find more than a hundred messages from my friends. Raneem’s denial was noticeable; she kept on saying that nothing wrong. When I scrolled up in the chat; I detect that Raneem’s big sister, Afnan, exposure a car accident. when the car accident happened; Afnan, her mother in law, her father in law, her sister in law and her maid were in the car coming back to Jeddah. They wanted to make the visit as a surprise. For that, they did not tell their families that they are