Social Media Influence On Social Psychology

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Social media is platform used by people to develop their relationships and to enhance their circle in social network with those individuals who portrays similar interests, thoughts and also experiences in the cyber world. Did you know that Facebook is one the most used social networking site in the world? It was created in 2004 and now it shows that there are 1.4 billion users actively using Facebook now (Facebook, 2014).
Those days’ people would write to each other to communicate and those letters were delivered by hand from one person to another. The very first social media that was created is called Six Degree, it allowed individuals to upload profiles and make new friends. After that, blogs were introduced which is still used by people …show more content…

For the fact, the whole generation is brought up with the idea of socializing which is included in the online component. Stein & Stein (2008) states that regardless of new technologies advances in social interaction, the fact that social bonding is a vital psychological component is difficult which leads to real-life anxiety. Even though they yearn for the company of others, individuals who are socially anxious avoids social places because they worry that they might not be liked by others. Recent study on social media and media psychology is starting to find out on how individuals uses social networking sites (SNS) mimicking offline social behaviors, although not many are aware of how SNS could affect those who are socially …show more content…

Narcissism refers to a personality trait reflecting a grandiose and inflated self-concept. Specifically, narcissism is related with encouraging and overrated self-views of argentic personalities like intellect, influence, and beauty (Brown & Zeigler-Hill, 2004; Campbell, Rudich, & Sedikides, 2002; Gabriel, Critelli, & Ee, 1994; John & Robins, 1994). How this mental illness relates to social media? There are two reasons why narcissists use social media. Firstly, narcissist individual are into expressively deep and committed relationship. Social media is created on the base of artificial friendship with many people. Secondly, this social media is highly controlled settings (Vazire & Gosling, 2004). Here owners have the full power of self-presentation on web pages, in particular, an individual is allowed to choose their most attractive pictures or write something which promotes them. Research states that narcissism people are bigheaded and loves to talk about themselves (Buss & Chiodo, 1991), they also enjoy admiring their features through videos and mirror (Robins & John,