The Consequences Of Obsession In Romeo And Juliet

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Two teenage lovers, forbidden from each other, turn their love into an obsession and end up dying for one another . William Shakespeare is a well-known poet who wrote many plays, the most popular one being Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are two star-crossed lovers who are forbidden to love each other. In this play, love and obsession go hand-in-hand. Their love turns dangerous when it turns to obsession; Romeo and Juliet cannot live without each other turning their love into an obsession with fatal consequences. Romeo and Juliet demonstrate the dangers of obsession. These two lovers are so obsessed with one another that they eventually can not live without each other. Romeo would rather be dead than be banished from Verona; he will not be able to see Juliet. “Tis torture and not mercy. Heaven is here Where Juliet lives” (ACT 3 SCENE 3 PAGE 73 LINE 29). Romeo and Juliet are forbidden from each other because their families are enemies. Obsession becomes dangerous in this play because they cannot live without each other, however, they would do anything for each other. Romeo and Juliet got married a day after meeting each other. The two lovers met Sunday night at a party in Capulet’s house. “We met, we wooed, and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray: That thou consent to …show more content…

Obsession takes place when Romeo and Juliet do the unthinkable for each other. This book does start off as love at first sight, however, it did progress from there. Romeo and Juliet loved to see each other and would do anything for each other as in true love as well. Unlike real love, Romeo and Juliet take their love too far by killing for one another and going as far as to killing themselves. Real love is expressed in this play as them being inseparable and saying/doing things to make the other feel loved. Romeo and Juliet have a mix of both real love and obsession when obsession went too far and took