The Cultural Legacy Of Selena Y Los Dinos

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Selena y Los Dinos originally played at the family’s Mexican restaurant where she

initially got her footing unfortunately, the restaurant did not survive the economy at the time and

had to close down. After that they moved to Corpus Christie, Texas and her father’s

determination never faltered. Abraham would have them play in the streets, at weddings or

anywhere possible. In 1984 Selena recorded her first album which Abraham purchased and did

not release until after her death 1995 as “Mis Primeras Grabaciones” (Selena, 2017) In 1986,

Selena was discovered by Johnny Canales, an entertainer in one of the top Spanish televisions

shows of the time and the Founder of Tejano Music Awards, Rick Trevio and was awarded Best

Female Vocalist …show more content…

Me siento muy…. EXCITED” (Nava, 1997) and I feel that to many people

that showed a humanness to her. She was also donated her time to various causes such as

D.A.R.E. and planned fundraising concerts to help AIDS patients (Orozco, 2016).

“To Hispanics, Selena’s cultural legacy is much more important than her musical one,

especially to Mexican-Americans” (Selena) represents a young, Hispanic girl — equal parts

Mexican and American — who was successful and unabashedly living her dream, but never

abandoning her identity," said Cortina. "There was a great amount of pride when she was on

stage because she was representing who we are. (Clark, 2005). And it’s not just to the people

who would pay to go to her concerts but also her peers were impacted by her very existence.

News of Selena's death spread all over the world. Selena fans mourned the loss of their queen,

the queen of Tejano music. Thousands and thousands of fans passed by her coffin. The Friday

she died, will always be known as Black Friday. In July of 1995, her dream of crossing over into

the pop market was accomplished. The first single released from her English album Dreaming