The Dichotomy: The Role Of Paul In The Book Of Acts

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According to the Book of Acts, it is an absolute fact that Paul’s heart and soul was utterly converted on the road to Damascus when Holy Christ himself had granted him with the honor of discipleship. Brightest Heavenly light flashed upon the vilest foe of Christianity and at once altered him into a most unpretentious slave of Christ. The former authoritarian would become a role model of the dignified sovereignty. His arrogance, self-centeredness, obsession, and bigotry with the Divine Decree disappeared and switched to friendship, care, and an intense need to share the Blessings of the Lord. In the subsequent years, the Christian supporters in towns of the eastern Mediterranean areas including both men and women expeditiously and rapidly determined …show more content…

It was about noon, as he along with his other companions, with the intention to prosecute maximum converters, came close to Damascus-a city of Syria that all of a sudden a sharp sparkling light from paradise stroked him. At once not tolerating the heavenly brightness he fell to the earth thunderstruck and paralyzed with shock, he heard a Blessed voice that called him, 'Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute Me?' Who are you Lord?' He asked. I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.' (Acts 9:5) Next, Jesus imparted him with instructions to get up and go into Damascus to a particular house. Due to the magnificence of the heavenly sparkling light, Saul had lost his vision. His companions escorted him to the place where he had been instructed to stay. For three consecutive days he remained blinded without any food or water in meditation. Meanwhile in Damascus, Apostle Ananias was instructed by Holy Christ to visit Saul and restored his vision. Although Ananias was reluctant to visit him as he was unaware of his astounding conversion and thought of him as the greatest enemy of Jesus and the Christians, but later he went there and put his hands on Saul’s eyes and instantly Saul’s vision has been restored. Saul was ordered to become the witness of Jesus' miracle and his vision of what he had observed and perceived to the entire humanity. At that revelation of these facts, Saul got up at once and was …show more content…

At first, they tolerated his preaching purely due to the huge respect and honor everybody apprehended for the Apostle-Ananias. But, Paul quickly appeared as a stunning and influential power that was highly profound to define his astonishing meeting on the road with the Christ himself and to spread the “good news” among the supporters of the risen Messiah. A remorseful but gratified man, who claimed himself to the Discipleship, had been evangelization in the synagogues, where converts including many Gentile God-fearers had gathered for prayers. Soon afterwards, he started his one-man mission from Damascus to the deserts of Arabia in the kingdom of the king Nabatea. Beginning from right outside the walls of Damascus and extending to the east and south of the Dead Sea, to spread the teachings of the Christ, Paul initiated his expedition to convert the Asia world and then eventually to change the whole world under one widespread religion; the transformation that changed historical accounts once and for