The Drinking Age Should Be 18 Essay

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Laws permitting eighteen year olds to drink have always been a controversial topic within our government for quite some time now. Laws officially stated that you must be twenty one years old in order to drink, but in the early 1970’s that changed. Congress then made the laws state that you only need to be eighteen years old in order to drink/purchase alcohol. Then once again in 1984, congress changed the law back to twenty one years old. The main reason for change in 1984 was the amount of drunk driving our country was experiencing (Wagenaar. Para. 3-4). Since 1984, that number has decreased quite insanely, making a change of laws back to eighteen in the future very slim. Even though eighteen year olds are adults in every way except legally …show more content…

Alcohol can even have worse effects over time such as cancer and disease. But alcohol’s effect on your body are far less threatening than those of tobacco products. Teens are legally able to purchase any type of tobacco at the age of eighteen, how can it make sense to congress that they will allow teens to start partaking in something that can affect them so much more than alcohol. “Most of the college students who chose to drink are binge drinking, according to a study out of harvard. Seven out of ten students are consuming five or more drinks in a row.” (Christensen. Para 13.) acknowledges Jen Christensen at CNN. Binge drinking can cause you to choke on your own vomit, stop your breathing and or your heart, and in long term it can damage your memory. Teens can do all these much worse things the first minute of their eighteenth birthday, but statistically showing its much safer to keep them away from alcohol while we can. When teens around the age of eighteen decide to drink, they really aren't drinking to actually enjoy alcohol. Nine times out of ten they're out with friends and want to feel a bit of a buzz or a light drunk, so they decide to drink and when one doesn't feel like it was enough then they have another and it can go on and