
The Ecosystem Theory: Dilemmas Faced By Human Service Professionals

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Scenario one highlights a dilemma that faces many human service professionals. The Ecosystem Theory provides a needed baseline or an “organizing framework” (Kirst-Ashman, 2011, P.15) in relation to the issues that surround working with adolescent and a client’s particular needs. The systems and subsystems put in place to assist in homeostasis, have failed due to social systems that have been working independently from other resources. To continue on this path means that entropy will most certainly occur at some point. The need to interface with other agencies can yield positive feedback for the neighborhood center social worker, who is determined to move towards negative entropy. The meeting should support the organizations to differentiation and allow each to offer a wider variety of services while bridging the gap and creating a web like network. The agencies input to this network …show more content…

As a human service professional it is important to get input from other social workers and engage in an open dialog in hopes that others will put in energy to help save the program that offers self-direction and self-esteem building measures to those who utilize the program. Because “human beings act within physical, social, and cultural environments” (Kirst-Ashman, 2011, P. 20), the program can offer a positive output for juvenile offenders. The program can offer coping and diminish stress and stressors due to negative feedback within a juvenile’s social environment. It is important for the probation officer to utilize his resources and collect data to support the positive effects that the program has had. Vocational programs can offer individuals the opportunity to input hard work and get an output of positivity and may even create a niche for the individual. Therefore, interfacing with was many people as possible within the social environment is an important step in trying to reach

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