Essay About Bodybuilding

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To understand bodybuilding you need to take time to look back astatine the history of it how far it has come in the past century. Bodybuilding in the modern evolution started in the 1890′s with Eugene Sandow; who is crowned at the Olympia every September as a world champion. Cultures as a whole started looking astatine the weight lifting and strongmen as a chance to issue challenges to each other by seeing who could out-lift the most on many levels. This is where power lifting competitions exemplify this challenge and competition at its finest. Nevertheless, symmetry was not a construct known astatine this point in time, but was soon to have emergence with Eugene Sandow. Sandow himself started in Europe as a strongman before traveling to America …show more content…

The confederation distinct to make bodybuilding a legitimate sport when enough competitors in over 100 countries became known. By this time bodybuilding had become a multibillion dollar industry. Currently we have seen many major names come into the world of bodybuilding such as Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris as well as Ben Johnson and Carl Lewis. Right training and dieting have become central to everyday life for more than four billion of the world’s population. Competitive bodybuilders are astatine their all time largest, finding new ways to increase muscle size as well as finding this can be a career choice. In the 1980′s we had the chance to see steroids come to the light and put a black eye on the sport of bodybuilding. The physiques improved due also to advances in training and strategies. We saw Lee Haney win seven Mr. Olympia awards with his physique around 240lbs and be bigger than any other bodybuilder at that point where we now see many pushing close to 300lbs. When Haney retired helium had beaten down Arnold’s records and many believe to be the largest name in bodybuilding. We now have very world figures in bodybuilding such as ruling Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler, former king of bodybuilding Ronnie Coleman and Gunter Schlierkamp who moved his way into the world of film. Bodybuilding competitions continue to be pop and inspirational to many