
The February Revolution Was The Main Cause Of World War I

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The February Revolution in Russian Empire broke out in the period when the most intense fights of the World War I was happening, though based on a much older roots. The main cause of the revolution is stemming from the fact that in the 19th and 20th century, Tsarist regime was persistent on autocratic monarchy while trying to modernize the social, economic and political structure. Autocracy and emerging capitalism started to produce irreconcilable contradictions.
The status of landless peasants who suffered from ill-treatment by landowners, the poor working conditions in the cities and libertarian ideological movements from the West can be added among the causes of the February Revolution. Shortages observed especially …show more content…

Although there have been successes in some battles in the first period of World War I, in 1916 the Brusilov Operation has been resulted in a heavy defeat resulted in huge losses in the army. In relation to this defeat, falling morale of the soldiers has been transformed into some rebellions.
Number of deserters increased, the reasoning of the war and the power of Tsar Nicholas II. began to be questioned. The announcement made by Tsar Nicholas II as the Commander, with the sake of changing the course of the war, has remained ineffective and after that Tsar has become directly responsible for the experienced military defeat. Rasputin's murder occurred by the end of 1916 is considered as the last rescue effort to save the current regime.
The challenges posed by the war in the country showed itself as poverty, hunger and unemployment. Russian economy also remained deprived of the European market even it continued the production. Inflation increased, wages fallen. Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, suggested Nicholas II to establish a new government, but not taken into account. Tsarist regime lost the support of the army and nobels, and overthrown as a result of the spontaneous rebels of poor masses and

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