The Gathering Storm Sparknotes

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Boston Dues
AP European History
24 July 2023
The Gathering Storm In Winston Churchill’s “The Gathering Storm”, Churchill gives insight on the British perspective of the years leading up to World War Two. Churchill shows how the Allies’ mistakes led to the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany, and brought the Western world into a devastating Second World War. Churchill’s account of the Second World War shows not just the battles of World War Two, but the logistics that deeply affected Europe in the early years of the war. Winston Churchill starts by stating the British along with the rest of the European nations and their allies hoped for long lasting peace after the devastating and horrific First World War. The Treaty of Versailles, …show more content…

The treaty also stated that Germany also had to pay back the Allies, only encouraging a second world war according to Churchill. The system was lucrative and the Allies and their citizens failed to see that a losing nation couldn’t simply pay back with how horrific the war was. Despite Germany owing 1,000 millions of pounds to the British, more than 1,500 millions was given to Germany by Great Britain due to Germany being in a depression after the war. The system was so poorly executed, Europe believed the debt payment would go on forever. As the Germans suffered from the depression of World War One, Europe received news that the United States, the creator of the League of Nations, will not join, starting the downward spiral of the alliance. Meanwhile in the Pacific, Japan, after the fall of Germany and Russia in World War One, now became the third strongest navy in the world. Although the Japanese had to follow the Washington Naval Agreement, they quietly built up their Navy, leading to a soon to be renewal of war in the Pacific. Although many Germans believed there would never be German superiority in future wars, Hitler, inspired to bring Germany …show more content…

With Hitler’s military now fully recovered, he started to look at expanding Germany’s border. Although Great Britain believed war was soon coming, they did not bother to prepare. The military was so ill equipped, that Churchill questioned why there were so many issues with supplies. After the occupation of Austria, Hitler looked towards Czechoslovakia. To prevent Germany from now invading Czechoslovakia, Britain sent British prime minister, Nevile Chamberlain, to peacefully negotiate with Hilter. Even though Britain and France tried to show that it would defend Czechoslovakia at all costs, Hitler believed the two would not defend the nation, due to fears of another full scale war. To avoid certain war, the Allies practiced the idea of appeasement. Due to this tactic leading to a lack of discipline, the Allies unintentionally made Germany stronger and more confident against them. After the failure of appeasement by Chamberlain in Czechoslovakia, the Allies started to become more strict with Germany. When Hitler wanted Poland, Great Britain and France stated they would declare war if Poland was invaded. To counter this, Hitler decided to make an alliance with