The Great Commission Research Paper

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Introduction God’s mission to the fulfillment of the Great commission as evidenced by the Acts of the Apostles. This paper will feature two themes found in the Acts of the Apostle. The themes to be addressed: 1. The promise of the Holy Spirit. 2. The coming of the Holy Spirit. Lastly, the paper will address the Great Commission.
The Promise of the Holy Spirit The promise of the Holy Spirit has been a reoccurring theme throughout the biblical history. The prophet Jeremiah, Isaiah, Zechariah and John the Baptist all foretold of the coming of the of this Holy Spirit. God’s protagonist, to exact His plan of Redemption and judgement. This sequel that Luke pins to his gospel opens with Christ promising the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. …show more content…

Note here, that we all must position ourselves to receive the blessing of God. Psalms 1 adds credibility to the notion of a mind prepped to receive of God. We cannot do the word of the Great Commission without a stable and discipline mind. Acts 2 gives witness to the coming of the Holy spirit. Blomberg postulates “Pentecost completes the sequence of events that began with Christ’s death, included his resurrection and ascension, and now provides the opportunity for God to bestow his Spirit upon all his people.” Acts 2: 1-4, Luke uses metaphors to detail the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. As with the visible bodily appearances of Jesus after his resurrection to validate he was a live the similes used by Luke validated that the Holy was present and had commenced the continuation of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The sound, the appearance of the tongues of fire, and the communication in many languages all was to validate that the Holy Spirit had come. Additionally, Peter’s first sermon (14-44) is of significance because it shows the power of God working through human agent to exact redemption and judgement. Blomberg adds that Peter is considered to have given the first alter call in Christian history (37-41). He adds that “Peter specifies two things his listeners must do (repent and be baptized) and makes two promises concerning what they will receive …show more content…

17And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
The Great Commission is to us today, the Christian mandate. When you sign up as a disciple, the mission is the same, God’s purpose is the same. The only thing that has must change is the minds of all those that this gospel is shared