The Impact Of The Korean War On The Cold War

325 Words2 Pages
Jacquez Hankel
Per.6 English
14 December 2017
The Korean War should not have been fought because of several factors such as economic impact, and traumatized POWs. I will use the article “The Impact of the Korean War on the Cold War,” to better help the reader understand the U.S. financial problems during the Korean War. Of course, I know that talking about money usually gets people upset, but the author thinks it’s good to bring this topic back up. The high cost of war expenses made the U.S. worry if they wanted to risk their budget to take a fight in the war against Communism. The presence of prisoners of war (POWs), was a very important aspect of the Korean War. The U.S.’s way of penning POWs was not appropriate. They left their prisoners