
The Impact Of War In Night And All Quiet On The Western Front

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War has been happening for Centuries but what is not always talked about is the impacts of war. People had to go through sacrifice and the loss of their innocence during the war. These impacts are shown after the war with PTSD and soldiers being put in hospitals because they will not speak or some might say going crazy. These impacts are portrayed well in the books Night and All Quiet on the Western Front. The book Night by Elie Wiesel shows him and his family being taken away from their home in Sighet and taken to Auschwitz concentration camp. The book shows the memories of his family members dying and the death of himself in a sense. It shows the horrors of the camps and how they were forced to watch other prisoners die. Closer to the end …show more content…

Elie survives and is liberated by the American troops. Erich Maria Remarque wrote All Quiet on the Western Front showing Paul Bäumer and his school friends joining the army and fighting on the French front in WW1. They joined the war enthusiastically but later learned that war in the trenches was treacherous and brutal. This book shows how much sacrifice and loss young men were going through on the front during the war. Paul at the end of the book dies from poison gas showing a calm expression on his face after years of having fear in his eyes. Although loss of innocence is a somewhat significant impact of war on individuals and society because it shows a change of maturity in the world, sacrifice/death is a more significant impact because many families and soldiers lost people and hope, and primitiveness is the most significant impact because soldiers on the front devolved into animal-like …show more content…

In the book, All Quiet on the Western Front an enemy soldier jumped into the shell hole with Paul causing him to stab the soldier. Paul states, “The body is still perfectly still, without a sound, the gurgle has ceased, but the eyes cry out, yell,” (Remarque 219). This isn’t showing the loss of family or friends but the loss of Paul himself. He is sacrificing his hopes and dreams by being in the war. He is young and killing someone is taking away any kind of hope for a future. The soldier died knowing they couldn’t have a future with his family and Paul killed him knowing he took away a person's future. An example of death in family is in the book, All Quiet on the Western Front when Kemmerich lost a foot and was about to die. His friends were mourning the death and said, “ Here lies our comrade, Kemmerich.” (Remarque 14). The soldiers mourning the death of their friend Kemmerich before he dies shows the sacrifice they had to make. Paul visits Kemmerich’s mom who is dying of cancer and tells her that her son’s death was instant and painless. His mother lost a son who was still young and had the potential to have a future. The soldiers that Kemmerich was friends with have to go through his death and think about the loss they just went through. They had lost hope of any future for themselves and excepted death at a young age. The most impactful cause

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