In 21st century, rapid changes are occurring around the world in every aspect of life. For a person to successfully face and find the solutions to the different situation occurring in his personal and professional life, he needs to possess certain skills along with the academic knowledge. P21 (Partnership for 21st Century Learning) is working to prepare everyone to face challenges of life and work. They have compose a list of 21st century skills to cope the 21st century challenges. They are: Learning and innovative skills include creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration. Information, media and technology skills include information literacy, media literacy and information/communication/technology …show more content…
To evaluate the student skills, a collaborative activity involving technological and pedagogical tool i.e. Stop Motion Animation (SMA) is going to be used. According to Merriam-Webster definition, Stop motion is a filming technique in which objects (such as clay models) are photographed in a series of slightly different positions so that objects seem to move (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). It is being used because its implementation doesn’t require a lot of expertise and it’s low-cost. Stop motion animation could be developed by using a simple mobile camera or a digital camera. The methodology for the research is experimental. Data will be collected from students of class 7. The tools that will be used to collect data are: interviews to collect qualitative data and questionnaires to collect quantitative …show more content…
How effectively collaborative environment can help in improving the communication and collaborative skills of the students?
2. What kind of impact will stop motion animation have in engaging the students in the collaborative tasks?
The hypothesis are:
1. The collaborative environment can effectively help in improving the communication and collaborative skills of the students.
2. The stop motion animation will have a positive impact in engaging the students in the collaborative tasks.
Research Done:
Different researchers are exploring the usage and effectiveness of collaborative learning environment in academic settings. Even the student’s point of view about the collaborative learning is positive. In a study, Tunnard and Sharp (Tunnard & Sharp, 2009) review the children feedback on collaborative learning. Their findings suggested that children perceived collaboration as an important learning way. Integration of technology has positive effects too in the learning outcomes of the students. The findings states that Stop motion animation helped in promoting creative learning and stimulated engagement, collaboration and anatomy (Pugh, 2013). In Pakistan, there is no research done to see the effectiveness of collaborative learning, validating the impact of usage of technological tools in educational settings and to check the development of 21st century skills in the students. In the report published by The Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, the Partnership