Parent-Teacher Communication

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With regard to communication between the school and home, research indicated that regular communication between parents’and teachers in children’s education is a two ways.. (Linda, 2011:61).Moreover, Guolaug (2010:75) pointed out that the school and home relationship is very essential to raise children’s academic achievement. According to, Epstein (2009:34) indicated that relationship between schools and homes is the main reasons for all students succeed in the school.

Based on the above writers, some parents replied that “children’s educational achievement enhanced due to regular contact with teachers.” Further more, one informant parent replied that “I always go to school to ask to the teacher about the progress of my child’s academic performance, …show more content…

Communicating regularly with their child’s teachers can motivate them to do extremely well in school, produce better school attendance and improve behaviour at home and in the school (Williams, 2010:1).

In line with the above writers’ view on parent- teacher communication, most teachers reported that parental communication with teachers was crucial to enhance children’s academic progress and behavioural development through direct contact, but this is limited in the study areas.

In contrast, most students in terms of parent-teacher communication reported that they were often concerned with the child’s academic failure and behavioural problem if happened at the teaching learning activities in the school through direct contact with parents able to speak with teachers. They also discussed with parents to solve children’s problems, and to inform children’s academic progress through face to face communication with subject teachers at the school. But most parents did not always respond to verbal and written notes that pass from …show more content…

The finding showed that people that had closed contact with schools and assist student in classrooms often have much more positive attitudes to teachers than people with little direct contact. This suggested that building stronger links between the schools and the community can help to enhance the status of teaching and indirectly, teacher motivation and commitment (OECD, 2011:247).Findings of this study showed that some parents had smooth relations of teachers at schools. It helped to increase teachers’ attitude and motivation and the frequency of parents contact with school staffs. Therefore, parental attitude and involvement was generally positive in high frequency of parent contact with teachers. Moreover, parents’ involvement in the school improves parents’ attitudes to school (Bempechat, 1992:33; Greenwood & Hickman, 1991:280), and enhances their collaboration with it (Tam & Chan, 2009:84), and also motivates teachers to seek ever-better instructional methods (Koutrouba, Antonopoulou, Tsitsas, & Zenakou, 2009:311-328). However, teachers and parents’ collaboration were often quite limited. Epstein (2008:9-12) reported that many school teachers admits that they usually communicate with parents only in cases of negative student behaviour or