Essay On Cosmopolitanism

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beliefs and understandings are expected to be numerous and diverse. Therefore, the main focus is to assess and consider particular values that are important to the needs and desires of teachers, students, and parents of students, which, conversely, parallel cosmopolitanism and maintain positive values in the ideal school which carry on into the ideal classroom.
Bottery (1990) suggests awareness of values which motivate people at present time and, yet, does not hamper societal norms within the community. In this case, an ideal international school with a cosmopolitan ideology should attract only teachers and parents who share similar beliefs and values about students’ education such as developing students’ keenness to openly communicate to others with intellectual and ethical respect to other cultures (Gunesch, 2007). Since cosmopolitanism reflects world citizenship for an individual and respect to local cultural diversity (Ibid), students need to become familiar with various elements that make this an enriching life such as exposure and reflection to various cultures via trips or activities (White, 2007). Wright and Lee (2014) concur, while adding that it should be a precondition for students to learn later how to interact with other students of different social groups as well. Therefore, an education leaning favorably to social reconstruction and child-centered could generate an outcome of developing community values and instilling rational criticism to social issues