The Importance Of Ecosystem

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What happens in one part of the globe is bound to affect all other parts. No nation or country can insulate itself or isolate from the rest of the world. Environmentally speaking, a ripple occurring at any corner will travel across to other corners. Deforestation in Haiti and drought in Africa caused migration of human population of an unprecedented scale. It is natural that the adverse impact will influence life in all of the neighboring countries.

However, the good news is that in the developing countries, population growth is slowing down. The world population growth dropped from 64% for 1950-1975 to 48% for 1975-2000. If the growth curve declines at this rate, there is a hope that it will become flat. European, Chinese and American women …show more content…

Disruption of ecosystems – whether as a result of human activities or natural phenomena – can have severe and unpredictable effects on human health.

Why do ecosystems matter for human health? Ecosystem services are the benefits that people obtain from ecosystems. Ecosystem services are indispensable to the wellbeing of all people, everywhere in the world. They include provisioning, regulating, and cultural services that directly affect people, and supporting services needed to maintain the other services. From the availability of adequate food and water, to disease regulation of vectors, pests, and pathogens, human health and well-being depends on these services and conditions from the natural environment. Biodiversity underlies all ecosystems.”

Indeed, 90% of the cells in the human body are not human cells; only 10% of the cells in the human body are. In fact and quite literally, we are all humans are living ecosystems. Most of the bacteria and other organisms that live inside of us are too small to notice on a day to day …show more content…

The latest Red List from International Union for the Conservation of Nature warns that 1/3rd of these assessed species is at least threatened by hunting, habitat loss, invasive species, disease, and drastic climate change. Conservationists believe that a warmer, more crowded planet is the root cause and that the planet is heading for a great extinction wave, it is a wave that could wipe out more than 3/4th of the species in as little as 300 years. [Hint: Over the course of Earth’s 4.5 billion years, the world has seen 5 great extinction events. Great extinction events are defined as: A loss of more than 75% of estimated species. All 5 events occurred only in the past 540 million years. The worst of all was the Permian event – also known as the Great Dying – resulting in the loss of 96% of estimated species about 451 million years ago. The most recent one was the extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. Researchers in Spain say dinosaurs roamed in the province of Lleid 71 million years ago. All great extinction events are believed to be due to rapid climate change—perhaps massive volcanic activities (Permian event) leading to global warming, or asteroid collisions leading to global cooling.] To Nature, all her creations from the microbes to human beings are equal. She will not allow any one species to liquidate another for survival or for any other reason. If