The Importance Of Gender Equality In The World

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Gender equality is an important concerning issue in the recent world. If one looks at the world scenario , it is easily found that this is a vital issue for each sphere of each country but through the enormous efforts of most countries, it is not entirely succeeded anywhere. But it is clear that the situation become improved day by day .According to Amartya Sen(2001) “ Gender inequality is not one homogenous phenomenon but a collective of disparate and inter -link problem. Gender inequality has many distinct and dissimilar faces , the cultivation of women empowerment and agency through women education and meaningful employment has proved very productive ” (pp. 35, 40)
Moreover, Gender equality …show more content…

When all humanity shall access the same opportunity of education, and the equality of men and women be realized, the foundations of war will be utterly destroyed. Without equality, this will be impossible"(Abdul-Baha 1982:175pp). It means that education is a major role player for confirming social equity and justice which finally leads to socio- economic development. TVE is also one special kind of education by which women can influence more than man positively and take part ,intensively by technical education and knowledge …show more content…

TVET is defined as the “education and training programs containing both knowledge (theoretical understanding and practical skill, designed for, and typically leading to a particular type of job”(OECD,2006).It is “Post –compulsory education and training, excluding degree and higher level programs delivered by further education institutions, which provides people with occupational or work- related knowledge and skills. VET also includes programs which provide the basis for subsequent vocational programs. Alternative terms used internationally include technical and vocational education and training (TVET), vocational and technical education and training(VTET), technical and vocational education(TVE), vocational and technical education ,Further education and training(FET) and Career and technical education(CTE)”(NCVER