The Importance Of Inclusion In Special Education

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Inclusion is a philosophy that is heavily used in today’s society. It encourages individuals, schools, and regions to accept and give worth to everyone in spite of their differences. In line with this philosophy are the certainties that each individual has a place, diversity is appreciated, and that we can all learn from each other (Renzaglia,
Karvonen, Drasgow, & Stoxen, 2003). With these beliefs in mind when working in the education system, the Universal Design for Learning framework (UDL) shows how all students can access and engage in learning, no matter how severe the disability. With UDL being a guided principle in special education, students with severe disabilities are able to access the general education curriculum, engage with regular education peers, and are regarded as respected individuals in the their schools and community. As quoted by the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education “Leaving no child behind…means leaving no children with disability behind” (Coyne, Pisha, Dalton, Zeph, & Smith, 2012).
The National center on Universal Design for Learning defines their framework as “The term UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING means a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that:(A) provides flexibility in presentation, how students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in also student …show more content…

In the article, Applying UDL for students with Severe Disabilities in General Physical Education, a teacher creates an accessible learning environment in order for one of her students with severe needs to fully participate. With the guidance of UDL, this teacher was able to create an inclusive classroom for this student, that included shared communication with her classmates, and modified activities that emphasized partner and group work (Grenier, Miller, & Black,

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