Gone With The Wind Film Analysis

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Culture and Entertainment

With with the evolution of television and inclusion of other cultures, individuals are able to see themselves on the screen more now than ever. In the past, non-Caucasian cultures were portrayed Stereotypically. As well as, left out of entertainment culture for the most part. Since television is big in society from when it was black and white in color to now, culture has played a big part with what has been showcased on the colorful screen us humans watch. In the midst of everything on television used for entertainment, children are being influenced, historical breakthroughs are being made, and barriers are being broken.

When our young children watch television their influenced by many things. One …show more content…

I am 74 years old and I have seen a lot of racism in my life but “Gone With the Wind” was the worst. It depicted a black women as a slave, who at the same time had power. At the time of the film I didn’t really understand a lot about racism and the fact that I was a second-class person. A lot has changed, but a lot has not” (Gwendolyn Morgan). Viewing African Americans portrayed like this is a stereotype and leaves the viewer to believe other races are beneath the Caucasian race. Lawrence Fishburn takes a bold stance as well, when watching tv. Non caucasians know their culture is not being represented on television. It's my belief that the more this is addressed the more awareness will continue. Everyone wants to see themselves on tv, learning, on an adventure, singing on stage, or with a diploma in their …show more content…

At home we can support inclusion by watching culturally diverse programming. Parents can expose their children to culturally diverse programming. In doing so, we can talk about racial issues and acceptance. Setting examples of inclusion for the next generation is key in fixing cultural diversity and racism as a whole.

Works Cited

“Breaking Barriers.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, www.pbs.org/wnet/pioneers-of-television/pioneering-programs/breaking-barriers/.

PBS. “TV Viewers Guide: Preschoolers.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 2018, www.pbs.org/parents/childrenandmedia/tvviewersguide-preschool.html.

Sharon Bramlett‐Solomon & Yvette Roeder (2008) Looking at Race in Children's Television, Journal of Children and Media, 2:1, 56-66

Thompson, Jennifer. Duke University Libraries, Jan. 2018.

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