The Importance Of Oral Communication

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Nowadays, communication becomes more important because people live in the world of communication. According to Oxford Dictionary of Current English (Moore, 1997), communication can be defined as the activity or process of expressing ideas and feeling or giving out the information to others. Communication comes between the individuals and the groups, between thoughts and feelings and it also involve the feedback process. So, in order to reach the good communication, listening and speaking is an important part and it needs more knowledge. Its sounds so easy but its quite difficult for some people to communicate especially in English. Everybody has their own style of speaking. Some are good in communication which also can build a good relationship. But, many people have trouble in communication especially in the workplace and when it comes to business-related matters. So, I totally agree with this statement because I have seen so many people have this kind of problems. It might not apply to both oral communication and written communication. Oral communication is more difficult rather than written communication.
Since English is a foreign language in our country, most of us especially those who are involve in business or students are not familiar with it (Hetrakul, 1995). According to Hetrakul (1995), for students, they use English more frequent only inside the class and less practice outside the class. Oral communication means the ability to talk with others to give and