Pros And Cons Of Pornographic Paraphernalia

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Pornography use. Pornography use among men has increased in the last two decades due to the existence and aide of the Internet (Tylka, 2015). The Internet provides unprecedented anonymity for the reason that pornographic paraphernalia it can be watched from home computers, smart phones, and wireless electronic tablets. It also provides ease of accessibility because there is a vast array of pornographic sites that are available around the clock. Access to these sites and paraphernalia are also affordable for consumers because many pornographic sites are free or priced extremely low (Cooper, Delmonico, & Burg, 2000). In fact, 87% of young adult men report that they view pornography, with 50% viewing it weekly and 20% viewing it daily or every …show more content…

One study supports this claim found that higher levels of pornography use are closely associated with men’s self-reported thoughts and tendencies of raping women if they could be guaranteed that they would not get caught (Carr & VanDeusen, 2004). Another study which supports this claim found that men’s pornography consumption via magazines and other printed form of pornographic paraphernalia uniquely predicted men’s sexual aggression tendencies toward women, above and beyond that accounted for by known predictors of sexual violence such as impersonal sex, hostile masculinity, and antisocial behaviors (Vega & Malamuth, …show more content…

As women are known to engage in behaviors such as constantly monitoring their bodies on social media sites such as Facebook, it also makes sense that men would also be engaging in an evaluative behavior towards women on these social media sites. In particular, Haferkamp, Eimler, Papadakis, and Kruck (2012) found that there is a big difference between men’s and women’s purposes in using Facebook and other social media outlets wherein they found that men were more likely to browse profiles and bios on social networking outlets to look for new friends and potential partners, while women were more likely to use social networking outlets for the purposes of engaging in activities that promotes self-presentation such as changing profile pictures and posting new and updated photos. In addition, Manago et al., (2008) found that self-presentation on the social networking sites leads to a reinforced and even exacerbated traditional gender-stereotyped self-presentation in real life, with women being viewed and treated as sexual objects more so and often than men.
Studies did not fail to critically look into the influence of the use of social networking