Foreign Languages: Bilingual Education Around The World

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In linguistics, the term bilingual education is used to refer in an equivalent way to second language education and its definition is: “la planificación de un proceso educativo en el cual se usa como instrumentos de educación la lengua materna de los educados y una segunda lengua, con el fin de que éstos se beneficien con el aprendizaje de esa segunda lengua, a la vez que mantienen y desarrollan su lengua materna” (Zúñiga, M., 1989) Language-learning is shown to come with a host of cognitive and academic benefits and knowing a foreign language is an undoubtedly practical skill, (Friedman, A., 2015) that is why many countries decide to implement second language education programmes, so that their citizens can improve their skills in many different …show more content…

In Europe students must learn multiple languages in the classroom from an early age, their first foreign language is studied a compulsory school subject between the ages of 6 and 9, although this varies depending on the country. Ireland and Scotland are two exceptions that do not have compulsory language requirements, but Irish students learn both English and Gaelic.
While the United States does not have a national requirement for students to learn a foreign language in school, they have faced drawbacks in language education for several years; college students’ enlistment in language courses have been consistently low — and with English being the main language of international politics and commerce, learning another language is not a priority for Americans. (Friedman, A. …show more content…

(The languages spoken in Canada, n.d.) Canadian schools offer a variety of French as second language (FSL) programmes, each designed to produce different French proficiency outcomes. We can see across the country that there are different types of FSL programmes pointed towards the different necessities of the students may enrol in them, so there are many opportunities to learn a second language especially if you are a foreign person, although the instruction differs by province/territory, by school district and in some cases, by school. (Canadian parents for French.,