Benefits Of Project-Based Learning

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“ In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn. “
– Phil Colins
According to Phil Colins in every teaching we acquire knowledge and in every learning we transfer our knowledge and ideas to one another through teaching. Therefore, the students learn by either doing or experience through the use of project-based learning (PBL) and the pre-service teacher also develop their knowledge in teaching skill from their students. The researcher wants to study the PBL if it is necessarily effective in the learning outcomes of the student in 21st century. Because PBL covers the innovative approach to learning that teaches a multitude of strategies critical for success I the 21st century it is include the following inquiry, collaboratively …show more content…

In addition PBL encourages innovations and creativity in delivering in the teaching process and nurture excellence among student entry since PBL stimulates higher order thinking skills (cites, 1998) which develop the cognitive skills of the thinkers. This instructional method emphasizes learning activities that are long-term, interdisciplinary, and student centered. (Simkins …show more content…

Through the help of the PBL the student teachers develop their way of teaching with the use of PBL. Accordingly, the present study attempts to promote active learning, PBL is a student-centered approach that engages the students to investigate a real-problems. Home economics student exposed in different areas such as personality development & cosmetology, clothing, art appreciation, local & international cuisine/baking, entrepreneurship and basic industrial arts. For example, teacher gives a project/study then students will work together as one through debating ideas, asking new question, communicate with fellow students therefore they develop their skills through PBL as well as their communication skill. While the pre service as a/their facilitator while he or she observe on what the students engaging for. The teacher are now concluding, stating his her own perception which now the teacher observe her/his self on how they can explore and improve their teaching