The Importance Of Technology

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Technology, ever changing and adapting in our modern world is now a common place in almost every child 's daily life is a hotly debated topic. Children now a-days have access to more technology and new platforms of social media than any generation before them. This provides unheard of opportunities for learning and growth but potentially altering a child 's social development in the process. Prosocial behavior including extending friendships and creating engaging platforms can benefit social development while negative influences and lack of real world connections can hinder proper social development. The documentary "Growing Up with Gadgets" created by Casey Kanode, explores this argument by following his second-grade niece in her classroom full of technology and then on a hike to facilitate her use of technology outdoors to further her learning.
" Utilizing social media and new technologies, friendships and other relationship can flourish as a direct result of the constant contact these provide. Private communication like text, snapchat ore messaging provide opportunity to communicate at any time and pace with those anywhere in the world, though it is mostly used by children and adolescents to contact associates who already know them and their daily lives (Ito, 2008, pg. 5).Youth use this new media simply extend preexisting friendship although there are specific platforms specifically designed to take advantage of the capacity for new friendships. Social media can